Kopi Sidikalang asli 100% Kopi Robusta Grade 1
Harga: 40.000 – 70.000
Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara
NB: Beda Takaran beda Harga (kg) dan Pesan Banyak, dapat diskon!
Informasi Pelapak:
- ID Seller: 402012
- Pelapak: Jepe
- 0822-7799-4662 (WA)

Pengalaman kami di bidang kopi lebih dari 52 tahun dan kami hanya menggunakan biji kopi terbaik.
Fragrance/Aroma: Real Coffee
Flavor: hot and fresh
Sidikalang coffee is a unique variety species of Robusta called Typica, One of the best types of robusta which is hard to be found in other regions in Indonesia. Grown in Sidikalang district near the lake of Toba, you will feel a mouthful of silky and smooth cup. Enjoy the crisp acidity follows with citric fruity and aromatic woody aroma with a hint of chocolate. You might find it sticky in your mouth, but after 30 minutes you can still savor its rich aftertaste.
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